Ways to share the story

The ability to share our story is important.  We believe what we are doing is making an impact but we cannot do it alone.  We need your voice to help tell the story.

Here are a few ways that you can join your voice with ours:

  • Host a House Party (Learn More)

  • Invite us to your small group.  Do you have a small group of people that meets on a regular basis?  A Sunday School class or Bible Study?  A social club or professional organization?  A home group or community group?  We would value the opportunity to come share our story with you.  Contact us to set a date or for more information.

  • Feature us on your blog, vlog, or podcast.  Are you a regular blogger/vlogger or host a podcast with a sizeable following?  Would you be willing to feature the work of Together for Haiti, share our story or become a regular story-teller for Together for Haiti?  Contact us for more information.

  • Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.  Social media is a wonderful tool for communication.  Like our Facebook page (facebook.com/togetherforhaiti) and follow us on Instagram (together4haiti) for regular updates on Together for Haiti, our partners, and the work we are doing.

You may have ideas of your own and we would love to hear them.  Contact us and let us know how you want to help us share our story.

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